358 research outputs found

    Positivity Problems for Low-Order Linear Recurrence Sequences

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    We consider two decision problems for linear recurrence sequences (LRS) over the integers, namely the Positivity Problem (are all terms of a given LRS positive?) and the Ultimate Positivity Problem} (are all but finitely many terms of a given LRS positive?). We show decidability of both problems for LRS of order 5 or less, with complexity in the Counting Hierarchy for Positivity, and in polynomial time for Ultimate Positivity. Moreover, we show by way of hardness that extending the decidability of either problem to LRS of order 6 would entail major breakthroughs in analytic number theory, more precisely in the field of Diophantine approximation of transcendental numbers

    The Polyhedron-Hitting Problem

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    We consider polyhedral versions of Kannan and Lipton's Orbit Problem (STOC '80 and JACM '86)---determining whether a target polyhedron V may be reached from a starting point x under repeated applications of a linear transformation A in an ambient vector space Q^m. In the context of program verification, very similar reachability questions were also considered and left open by Lee and Yannakakis in (STOC '92). We present what amounts to a complete characterisation of the decidability landscape for the Polyhedron-Hitting Problem, expressed as a function of the dimension m of the ambient space, together with the dimension of the polyhedral target V: more precisely, for each pair of dimensions, we either establish decidability, or show hardness for longstanding number-theoretic open problems

    On the Skolem Problem for Continuous Linear Dynamical Systems

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    The Continuous Skolem Problem asks whether a real-valued function satisfying a linear differential equation has a zero in a given interval of real numbers. This is a fundamental reachability problem for continuous linear dynamical systems, such as linear hybrid automata and continuous-time Markov chains. Decidability of the problem is currently open---indeed decidability is open even for the sub-problem in which a zero is sought in a bounded interval. In this paper we show decidability of the bounded problem subject to Schanuel's Conjecture, a unifying conjecture in transcendental number theory. We furthermore analyse the unbounded problem in terms of the frequencies of the differential equation, that is, the imaginary parts of the characteristic roots. We show that the unbounded problem can be reduced to the bounded problem if there is at most one rationally linearly independent frequency, or if there are two rationally linearly independent frequencies and all characteristic roots are simple. We complete the picture by showing that decidability of the unbounded problem in the case of two (or more) rationally linearly independent frequencies would entail a major new effectiveness result in Diophantine approximation, namely computability of the Diophantine-approximation types of all real algebraic numbers.Comment: Full version of paper at ICALP'1

    Minimisation of Multiplicity Tree Automata

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    We consider the problem of minimising the number of states in a multiplicity tree automaton over the field of rational numbers. We give a minimisation algorithm that runs in polynomial time assuming unit-cost arithmetic. We also show that a polynomial bound in the standard Turing model would require a breakthrough in the complexity of polynomial identity testing by proving that the latter problem is logspace equivalent to the decision version of minimisation. The developed techniques also improve the state of the art in multiplicity word automata: we give an NC algorithm for minimising multiplicity word automata. Finally, we consider the minimal consistency problem: does there exist an automaton with nn states that is consistent with a given finite sample of weight-labelled words or trees? We show that this decision problem is complete for the existential theory of the rationals, both for words and for trees of a fixed alphabet rank.Comment: Paper to be published in Logical Methods in Computer Science. Minor editing changes from previous versio

    Model Checking Markov Chains Against Unambiguous Buchi Automata

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    We give a polynomial-time algorithm for model checking finite Markov chains against omega-regular specifications given as unambiguous Buchi automata

    On the decidability and complexity of Metric Temporal Logic over finite words

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    Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) is a prominent specification formalism for real-time systems. In this paper, we show that the satisfiability problem for MTL over finite timed words is decidable, with non-primitive recursive complexity. We also consider the model-checking problem for MTL: whether all words accepted by a given Alur-Dill timed automaton satisfy a given MTL formula. We show that this problem is decidable over finite words. Over infinite words, we show that model checking the safety fragment of MTL--which includes invariance and time-bounded response properties--is also decidable. These results are quite surprising in that they contradict various claims to the contrary that have appeared in the literature

    Revisiting Reachability in Timed Automata

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    We revisit a fundamental result in real-time verification, namely that the binary reachability relation between configurations of a given timed automaton is definable in linear arithmetic over the integers and reals. In this paper we give a new and simpler proof of this result, building on the well-known reachability analysis of timed automata involving difference bound matrices. Using this new proof, we give an exponential-space procedure for model checking the reachability fragment of the logic parametric TCTL. Finally we show that the latter problem is NEXPTIME-hard
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